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AI Balanced Digital Assets AMC

aisot digital assets product

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The world's first AI-driven crypto AMC

aisot's proprietary AI engine integrates various features including crypto currency volatility forecasts, covariance estimations, factor-models of crypto currency returns along with back-testing.

Product Description

This product is an Actively Managed Certificate. Actively Managed Certificates allow investors to participate in the performance of the underlying strategy. aisot AI Balanced Digital Assets is a long only, fully AI driven Crypto Portfolio, targeting similar volatility as compared to a Bitcoin and Ethereum tracker while maximizing performance. The underlying AI engine relies on a process that includes crypto currency volatility and return forecasts, robust covariance estimations, factor-models of crypto currency returns along with robust back testing and aims at maximizing investment efficiency while lowering the effects of volatility.


aisot AI Balanced Digital Assets offers investors access to an artificial intelligence-driven AMC. The investment objective of the AMC is to achieve long-term capital growth by investing in a systematic basket of crypto coins and tokens, which is selected, adjusted and rebalanced by a mix of mean-variance optimization and return views derived by Aisot Technologies’ proprietary Artificial Intelligence engine. The total investment universe consists of 21 crypto coins and tokens, selected depending on liquidity and marketplace availability.

Guidelines & Restrictions

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The strategy components are selected, adjusted and rebalanced by aisot's proprietary AI engine in accordance with the three rules here. There is no exposure to short selling or leverage through credit raising, short selling or derivatives.

1. Portfolio Risk

To estimate the portfolio risk, aisot takes into account the volatility of the individual assets and their mutual dependence, factoring in different risk methods that are composed of state-of-the art covariance estimators.

2. Return Horizon

aisot's alpha forecast engine is based on a one-month return horizon forecast with an uncertainty component by an ensemble of cutting-edge machine learning models.

3. Cash Allocation

We allow dynamic cash allocation from 0% to 45% depending on forecasted risk levels for the current rebalancing period.

Details & Terms

Issuer CAI4PCC Limited
Paying Agent InCore Bank AG
Product Manager MRB Fund Partners AG
Broker & Storage Provider Coinbase Ltd.
Clearing Institution /
Clearing Code
ICB CH103283
NAV Calculation GenTwo Digital AG


Partners & Providers

ISIN CH1214916442
Currency USD
Structure Actively Managed
Min. Subscription 10,000.00
Performance Fee 15%
Management Fee 1.50%
High Water Mark Yes
Secondary Market 1% bid-offer spread
Manager Type Single Manager
Investment Process Active
Status Open-ended
Domicile Guernsey
End Subscription Date August 25, 2023
Payment Date September 5, 2023
Valuation Date  Daily
Subscription Frequency Weekly
Redemption Frequency Weekly

Live Performance

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In the first fourteen months after its debut, this portfolio achieved a return of 315% after fees, outperforming ETH ETP or the Digital Assets Blue Chip Index (Stoxx), both 100% after fees. 

aisot AI Balanced Digital Assets AMC - Update DECEMBER 2024 (2)

Frequently Asked Questions

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We've collected some frequently asked questions in our investment guide. Find answers to the following questions:


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